Linear cryptanalysis is a powerful method of cryptanalysis of block ciphers introduced by Matsui in 1993. The attack in its current form was first applied to the Data Encryption Standard (DES), but an early variant of linear cryptanalysis, developed by Matsui and Yamagishi, was already successfully used to attack FEAL in 1992.
Linear Cryptanalysis is a known plaintext attack in which the attacker studies probabilistic linear relations (called linear approximations) between parity bits of the plaintext, the ciphertext, and the secret key. Given an approximation with high probability, the attacker obtains an estimate for the parity bit of the secret key by analyzing the parity bits of the known plaintexts and ciphertexts. Using auxiliary techniques he can usually extend the attack to find more bits of the secret key.
However, to conduct a successful Linear Cryptanalysis attack, the initial point is to know some particulars of the block algorithm: if it has S-Box and P-Box and how many XOR operations perform in its rounds. Notice that this knowledge is not mandatory, but the attack will take much longer in this case.
How does OBAKE-512 consider this scenario to resist this type of attack?
These procedures and techniques are effective in avoiding, at the maximum reach of the present technology, the Linear Cryptanalysis attack.
Bibliographic references
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