This text presents the policy of NAWKA CYBERSECURITY (NAWKA SOLUÇÕES E SERVIÇOS LTDA.) regarding privacy and data processing in compliance with the Brazilian laws 13709/2018 and 13853/2019 (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados - LGPD) and the General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR (when it comes to data from residents of the European Community).

We will describe below how your data is collected, used and shared, when you visit or interact with the website or when you pass data to us through email contacts.

Which Data is Collected

When you access this website, the following data may be automatically collected by our Analytics partner (Google):

  • which computer you are using,
  • which browser and version you are usung,
  • your IP-Number address and/or the access-provider IP-Number,
  • date and time,
  • your estimate geolocation,

... and other data that may be available in "cookies" present in your access device. This data is captured for Analytics, i.e. statistical analysis of our audience and access preferences, without identifying you personally. The recording and reading of "cookies" can be disabled in your browser if desired (see your browser's HELP for this). Our partner GOOGLE may also collect information about the origin of your access, i.e. whether it was from a search engine, social network, direct address, ads, etc., and the pages you visit to better identify the subjects of your interest.

How we utilize this Data

We use this collected data only to identify regions and to improve the efficiency of the site and the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns we may conduct. We reiterate that none of this data is personal, private or sensitive and does not allow any identification of your person.

Regarding the data necessary to emit the evaluation license, it is kept exclusively at NAWKA computers. All registration data is encrypted at our headquarters, as specified below in the section on DATA RETENTION. If you have any question about this, please contact our DPO (Data Protection Officer), that can be reached at:

Data Sharing

We do not share any personal data that you may provide us of your own initiative or prior communication and acceptance (consent), except to comply with the rules of our business partners, Stripe and Banks, to comply with applicable Laws and Regulations, to protect our rights and to meet any court orders.

The payment system keeps the data provided for the license accounting, and we do not have access to this information. Therefore, the data we hold in our database do not include sensitive or private information but only those that allow us to identify the client and the licensed computer.

If you are a European resident or are physically located in any country of the European Union, please note that your personal information may be transferred outside Europe (servers in Brazil and the USA).

Data Retention and Storage

All information contained in the cookies will be stored in your computer for 30 (thirty) days, losing validity after this period, and should be kept in our partner Google Analytics for an indefinite time, serving only for statistical study.

The eventual register information that you provide will be kept indefinitely to attend the licensing process and renewal of the OBAKE product or until you request its exclusion, which can be done at any time. All registration information is kept exclusively within the company NAWKA and OASYS (OBAKE's manufacturer) and under asymmetric cryptography, using digital certificates with password access, guaranteeing exclusive access and controls - except for the commercial partners responsible for receiving values (as mentioned in "Data Sharing" above).

Even upon your request for deletion, NAWKA may keep some of your data to comply with legal or regulatory obligations.

Doubts and Questions

If you have any questions about the above, do not hesitate to contact: