Install Certificate
For OBAKE operation, it is recommended to have a DIGITAL CERTIFICATE such as those published by GlobalSign, VeriSign and hundreds of companies worldwide. Note: for the personal versions, we offer our free long-term X509v3 Digital Certificate of a Private Authority - you can use it and any other certificate in OBAKE.
Follow these steps to add your certificate:
- After download and save your certificate, open the FILE EXPLORER and, also, the WINDOWS SYSTEM page - you can use WINDOWS KEY + PAUSE ( + PAUSE ).
- Copy the PRODUCT-ID number. It is the installation-password of your certificate.
- Then, double-click the .PFX file (the private certificate) to start the Windows Certificate Import wizard.
- Basically you just have to press "NEXT" until the password screen.
- Paste the copied PRODUCT-ID number into the PASSWORD field.
- We strongly recommend to set STRONG PRIVATE KEY PROTECTION in your certificate. It ensures that, every time you or any program utilize the Certificate, a password will be required. You will define this password on the next steps.
- Also, we advise you to NOT SET "mark this key as exportable", since someone could export your private key and install it in another system, impersonating you - a serious security vulnerability.
- Go ahead and FINISH the installation of your certificate.
- Now, you will be prompted now to define a security level.
- Click over "Set Security Level" and change the current MEDIUM to HIGH.
- MEDIUM security does not require any password to access your private key. When set, it only informs the user that some application is trying to access the certificate.
- HIGH security instead asks the user-defined password to authorize any application to use the private key.
- Write the password you wish to use and confirm it.
- You can set any password your want. We recommend to avoid a too simple one.
- But also, try to avoid so difficult passwords that you may forget.
- After confirmation, you will be redirected to the same window as shown in the step 9 above.
- Just click "OK" to finish the installation of your certificate in Windows.