For OBAKE operation, it is recommended to have a DIGITAL CERTIFICATE such as those published by GlobalSign, VeriSign and hundreds of companies worldwide. Note: for the personal versions, we offer our free long-term X509v3 Digital Certificate of a Private Authority - you can use it and any other certificate in OBAKE.

Follow these steps to add your certificate:

  1. After download and save your certificate, open the FILE EXPLORER and, also, the WINDOWS SYSTEM page - you can use WINDOWS KEY + PAUSE ( + PAUSE ).
  2. Copy the PRODUCT-ID number. It is the installation-password of your certificate.

  1. Then, double-click the .PFX file (the private certificate) to start the Windows Certificate Import wizard.
  2. Basically you just have to press "NEXT" until the password screen.

  1. Paste the copied PRODUCT-ID number into the PASSWORD field.
  2. We strongly recommend to set STRONG PRIVATE KEY PROTECTION in your certificate. It ensures that, every time you or any program utilize the Certificate, a password will be required. You will define this password on the next steps.
  3. Also, we advise you to NOT SET "mark this key as exportable", since someone could export your private key and install it in another system, impersonating you - a serious security vulnerability.

  1. Go ahead and FINISH the installation of your certificate.

  1. Now, you will be prompted now to define a security level.
  2. Click over "Set Security Level" and change the current MEDIUM to HIGH.


- MEDIUM security does not require any password to access your private key. When set, it only informs the user that some application is trying to access the certificate.

- HIGH security instead asks the user-defined password to authorize any application to use the private key.

  1. Write the password you wish to use and confirm it.


- You can set any password your want. We recommend to avoid a too simple one.

- But also, try to avoid so difficult passwords that you may forget.

  1. After confirmation, you will be redirected to the same window as shown in the step 9 above.
  2. Just click "OK" to finish the installation of your certificate in Windows.