The OBAKE-512 algorithm (which our software is named after) is the result of many years of development and enhancement, conducted by David B.Svaiter, an InfoSec professional and cryptology researcher for many decades. The algorithm was first created in 1999 for using on i386 machines and Windows 98 by a shareware software called CYPHER, and over the last decades has been updated to achieve greater speed and improve its cryptographic security due to the advance of cryptanalysis and attacks.

The algorithm is annualy revised.

  • Symmetric block-mode algorithm (512 bits).
  • Main KEY and SALT with 64k-bits.
  • NONCE of 512-bits.
  • Other four keys of 2048 bits based on 512-bits Random seeds.
  • Four S-Boxes working on different blocks of bytes.
  • Random numbers created by RNGCryptoServiceProvider.
  • HMAC BLAKE2 512-bits HASH algorithm and working with more than 2 keys per block.
  • Also using Propagating Cipher Block Chaining (PCBC) and Counter (CTR) modes for integrity.
  • Exclusive Columnar Transposition, an advanced rail-fence technique.
  • OBAKE application uses variable parallel processing on blocks depending of the file size.
  • Algorithm is private code, not an Open-Source, not publicized, therefore also secured by obscurity (see below).

The algorithm is private and not published to make it harder for everyone to attack its results. Moreover, this result is another security layer since an attack must cryptanalise the algorithm beyond the utilized key, which is challenging. But, some people may argue that "security-by-obscurity" is not a valid protection scheme for encryption tools, and for these, we say that::

  • This is true when the algorithm security is solely based on it. OBAKE-512 has many features widely recognized as secure in its build.
  • For many years we tried cryptoanalysis and attacked the algorithm, improving it with each new technology advance, such as quantum computing.
  • We stimulate our users or even cryptanalysts to download our software to cryptanalysis the encripted results.

And finally: do you know what are the encryption algorithms utilized by NAVY to contact submarines or those used by the Intel agencies worldwide?

However, to avoid suspicions about "backdoors" or other illegal procedures, we inform you that the code can be audited by any volume-based customer (above 1000 licenses) using a trusted third party elected by both companies (ours and yours) with the total cost under the sole responsibility of the customer and subject to specific rules as described in a particular NDA to be signed by all parties involved. Also, if needed, the compilation can be done on a certified and reviewed code within the customer's premises, accompanied by internal auditors, and following the same rules described above.


Below you can see how OBAKE is resistant to the most critical criptanalysis attacks.