NOTE: some sample screens below may have different colors and backgrounds (Dark or Light) to show that you can customize the program interface.
The FILES & FOLDERS allows you, optionally, to CHANGE AUTHORIZATIONS (users that can access and read the encrypted data) of the OBAKE files:
In this chapter, we will show all windows available for this function.
- FILES button: press this button to open an EXPLORER-like interface and select as many files as you wish (folders will not be selected) to be encrypted/decrypted. Only the selected files will be processed and you can use the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select them, as in the EXPLORER.
- FOLDERS button: like the FILES one, this button allows you to select folders (and sub-folders) to have all their encrypted files processed according to your settings. Warning: remember that all sub-folders will also be processed.
- Area for Drag-and-Drop files and folders: anything dragged into this area will be processed. Once confirmed the files/folders to be processed, two new windows will be shown:
After selecting the users to be removed and those to be included, the GRID will appear with the status of each file.
As supposed, this window allows you to REMOVE (or REVOKE) persons from open/read data in the encrypted file(s).
- CURRENT PERSONS/AUTHORIZATIONS: the authorized persons existent in this file or, in the case of many selected files, the set of all persons found in all archives.
- PERSONS/AUTHORIZATIONS TO BE REVOKED: in this window, you will see all persons you select to be removed from all files.
- DO REVOCATION: after you select the people to be removed from files (the green line shows them), you must press this command to indicate them to OBAKE effectively.
- UNDO REVOCATION: if you need to remove someone to be extracted from files by mistake, select them in window (2) and press this command.
All other functions are disabled in the CHANGE AUTHORIZATIONS function.
As supposed, this window allows you to ADD persons to be able to open/read data in the encrypted file(s).
This window follows the same commands and procedures as in REMOVE window.
All other functions are disabled in the CHANGE AUTHORIZATIONS function.
The GRID columns are divided as shown:
- FILENAME: this column shows the name and extension of each file.
- SIZE: this column shows the file size, in bytes.
- LAPSE: the elapsed time to process the file, expressed in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
- STATUS: this column shows the status of the change process.
- ADDED: all the persons that were added (authorized) to open/decrypt the file.
- REMOVED: all the persons that were unauthorized to open/decrypt the file.